My Got to buy List

Napoleon: Total War

Do I need to say more?

But really I am really looking forward to this game, (tho I will need to upgrade and get a very powerful desktop cause of the games real heavy requirements to place efficiently)   One of the greatest Generals of all time who wouldn’t wanna follow in his footsteps and relive his great campaigns of Italy and Egypt.  Many games over have been about this great man but will Total War really live up to  it?  I believe so, each Total War Game has topped the last one and with the New AI it would be the closest thing to being there on the Battlefield fighting for Emperor and Country!

Final Fantasy XIII

Nuf said….

But seriously So many people are waiting for this game to come out and for those lucky buggers around the world who can speak Japanese would have already played it and raved about it so much, just gotta wait till the English version comes out and then there will be millions of happy Geeks around the world =D

Really I do not have to say much cause FFXIII really just speak for itself.  Watched the opening very nice =P

Heavy Rain

The day Fahrenheit came out I brought it and played it over and over and over again and each time I played it , it was like playing a completely different game every time, which more than enjoyable and meant those lonely hours at home did not go to waste.  Heavy Rain will surely impress and for all the wait we have endured and when we play it, it will mean many many days of playing to go through each different path the game will take and how one simple decision can change the entire outcome of what the game will be in the end.

David Cage is a genius in his own field and when the sure to be success of the game cements him as one of the great game makers of our time and we will eagerly await his next big game.

How far are you willing to go to save someone you love?