Whats your flavour in a role playing game?

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Surely, I thought, a game being advertised with obviously expensive marketing ploys at its helm, would quite likely be a decent game to have a look at. Well after a quick peak I am not so sure.

Signing up and getting the game rolling is very easy, no problems there, the game screen is interesting but it took a little time to figure out what the heck I was actually meant to be doing, which I found  a little frustrating. I know that there is always learning curves when trying out a new game but with Evony, well lets just say I sat looking at the screen for quite a while just reading….not much game play in the first 15 mins.

The one thing that quickly became apparent is that this game is targeted to be a money spinner. To really get anywhere in the game, to look cool, be cool, be prepared to spend lots of money. We aren’t talking millions of your hard earned money here, its a more like $40 green backs or whatever currency you use in your country to have it exchanged into Evony play money, but each item you purchase with play money eats away at your initial investment of your hard earned cash.

Now I don’t have an issue with their system, I am quite happy to spend money on games, but it would be easy to stack up how much money you have spent on a game like this, and makes me wonder is it really value for what you pay? I personally don’t think it is a value for money game, and I haven’t wanted to stick around to play Evony, but then again, I was brought up on Runescape, an awesome MMORPG in my opinion and I have been happy to pay the few dollars a month subscription which allows players to access almost an endless supply of interesting fun, its a low key, go where you want and do what you want if you put the time in kind of game, as long as you have paid your monthly amount or you can just settle on playing for free and wait patiently for game updates.

As for me though, I think Runescape is my flavor and I will leave Evony to someone else who is happy with a pay as you go basis.