PSP minis on PS3

I am excited to hear that with the new firmware update for the PS3, we now have a selection of favorite mini’s, well from the 17th of Dec anyways. It is awesome to be able to take fun games on the go, but now to have them big screen HD is rather kool!

Getting a console tan is a highly sought after capability for some people, me included and the people at Playstation have just encouraged us to go try for another round, with being able to purchase a game title only once and having the capability to play it on your PSP and your PS3 gives Playstation an edge in the market that Microsoft will end up envying.

There is one thing that we know for sure…gamers always like a little bit extra on the side, and it looks like Playstation has just given us gamers a real sweetner.

One Response

  1. Way to go! 🙂 Regards, S.

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